Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph

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les infos pour comprendre le lancer de dés et les jokers sur le forum sont par ici Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702
retrouvez le guide de nty pour répondre à toutes vos questions Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516
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 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph

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Rose O'Toole
member / settler of astoria
Rose O'Toole
INSCRIPTION : 27/10/2016
FACECLAIM : Ruth Negga | Miss B. (avatar) - Tumblr (gifs) - Code signature (Solosand)
MULTILINKS : Yancy || Mason || Randall || Morgan
POINTS : 251
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Tumblr_o7j63mTVEv1r5rk9to4_r1_400
STATUT CIVIL : Elle a été mariée. Deux fois. Et elle est veuve. Une fois.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : Boxeuse professionnelle : ça cognait et ça cognait bien. Double championne du monde des poids légers, rien que ça. Du coup, ses poings sont à éviter au possible.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : Technicienne en maintenance des clôtures
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : Ses poings mais à notre époque, ça n'est pas assez efficace alors, Rose, elle use de tout ce qu'elle trouve. Faut dire qu'elle n'est pas difficile mais bon, on va pas se mentir : elle affectionne particulièrement les armes à feu. Elle a les boules depuis que les autres cons se sont pointés parce qu'on lui a retiré son Desert Eagle.
ÂGE : Quand les cons de morts se sont relevés, elle venait de fêter ses 32 ans : elle a décidé d'arrêter de compter à ce moment-là donc 32 ans et on cherche pas plus loin.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 21:25

joseph peter warhol
/ Time doesn’t heal anything. It just teaches us how to live with pain. /

âge ≡ 42 ans. Pas de crise de la quarantaine quand il était à l’aube de ses 40 ans et toujours pas de crise de quarantaine à l’horizon. Il vit bien son âge et ne craint pas la vieillesse. Et puis, aujourd’hui, l’espérance de vie a quand même fortement diminué donc encore moins de raisons de craindre la vieillesse. date et lieu de naissance ≡ Il est né à Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.  origines ≡ Il est américano-écossais. Son père était un américain pure souche et sa mère, quant à elle, une écossaise fière de ses origines bien qu’elle ait pris la décision de quitter son pays natal et tant aimé pour rejoindre l’homme de sa vie. Le mélange des deux a donc donné Joseph avec ses origines dont il est très fier. Il ne renierait son côté écossais pour rien au monde. ancien métier ≡ Avant que le monde ne soit dévasté par l’épidémie, Joseph était un psychologue de renom. Il était très demandé, organisait de nombreuses conférences pour expliquer au mieux sa façon de percevoir et de lire si bien dans le mental des gens. Il avait cependant arrêté les conférences pour pouvoir être moins souvent absent et plus souvent auprès de sa femme et s’était contenté d’être simple psychologue même s’il travaillait sur un nouvel ouvrage quand l’épidémie a frappé. Il a toujours le manuscrit d’ailleurs.  ancien lieu d'habitation ≡ Il vivait à Portland avec son épouse mais a rapidement pris la décision de se réfugier à Sherwood avec elle, les villes étant bien plus dangereuses que les zones rurales. statut civil ≡ Il est veuf depuis près de trois mois maintenant. Trois longs mois sans sa femme et une vie entière à venir sans sa femme. orientation sexuelle ≡ Joseph n’a jamais eu de réelle préférence. Il a eu des femmes et des hommes dans son lit. Il aurait très bien pu tomber amoureux d’un homme mais c’est une femme qui a ravi son cœur alors qu’il avait à peine une vingtaine d’années.  situation familiale ≡ Sa famille de sang n’est plus. Bien sûr, il ne peut pas avoir de certitude en ce qui concerne la famille du côté de sa mère. Ses oncles, tantes et cousins pourraient très bien être encore en vie mais les communications étant coupées, il n’a aucun moyen de savoir s’ils ont survécu là-bas en Ecosse. Par contre, du côté de son père, il est certain qu’il n’y a plus personne puisque son père était fils unique et que ses grands-parents n’étaient déjà plus de ce monde bien avant l’arrivée de l’épidémie. Il a cependant trouvé une famille de cœur auprès de la communauté d’Astoria, en particulier auprès de certaines personnes.  date d'arrivée au camp ≡ Joseph était là quand le camp a été créé puisqu’il était déjà présent avec son épouse à Sherwood avant le départ des militaires. Il a donc vu naître Astoria et a d’ailleurs participé à sa naissance. place dans le camp ≡ Joseph est le psychologue du camp. C’est lui qui a mis en place l’entretien psychologique d’intégration au camp, lui qui a fait en sorte que le secteur de quarantaine voie le jour. Encore aujourd’hui, c’est lui qui s’occupe de tous les entretiens psychologiques, en plus d’être là pour ceux qui ont besoin de se confier. aptitudes de survie ≡ Joseph n’a jamais été formé à la survie, il n’est même pas fait pour ça. Il n’a jamais quitté Astoria après sa fondation et n’a ainsi jamais eu besoin d’apprendre à se défendre puisque dans son esprit, Astoria était inviolable. Même après les attaques de rôdeurs, il n’a pas voulu apprendre à se défendre. La violence n’a jamais été son truc, jamais. Lui, il a toujours usé de sa tête, jamais de ses poings. C’est ceci dit quelque chose qui va changer puisque depuis la mort de son épouse, il a décidé d’apprendre à se battre pour être capable de se défendre mais surtout pour être capable de défendre la population. Il veut être capable de sauver des vies autrement qu’avec les mots. A ce jour, Joseph n’a donc pas véritablement d’aptitudes de survie si ce n’est qu’il est capable de contrôler sa faim et que c’est un bon coureur. Pour le reste, cela va venir avec le temps.  armes de prédilection ≡ La seule arme qu’il ait jamais maniée est un simple couteau de chasse qu’il a récupéré sur un cadavre en s’enfuyant de Portland. Il est aussi adepte du pied de biche. Par contre, il n’a jamais touché une arme à feu. Il déteste ça. Il va cependant devoir apprendre à au moins les supporter puisqu’il va apprendre à s’en servir dans le cadre de son entraînement. traits de caractère ≡ ouvert d’esprit / à l’écoute / compréhensif / généreux / patient / réfléchi / calme / organisé / observateur / déterminé / courageux / positif / maniaque / renfermé / sensible / maladroit  
the killer within

(i) Joseph a beau être quelqu’un d’organisé et de maniaque, il a toujours eu un mode de vie simple. Cette vie simple, et paisible par la même occasion, qu’il partageait avec son épouse lui convenait merveilleusement bien. (ii) Il avait le désir profond d’être père tout comme sa femme avait le désir d’être mère mais ils ont perdu un enfant lors d’un accouchement prématuré qui s’est particulièrement mal passé et qui a rendu l’épouse de Joseph stérile. Il a abordé une fois le sujet de l’adoption. Une fois, car sa femme lui a fait passer l’idée de jamais en reparler. (iii) Dôté d’un Q.I supérieur à la moyenne et d’une capacité assez inouie de lire dans le mental des gens, il s’est très naturellement tourné vers les études de psychologie et est devenu très rapidement après l’obtention de son diplôme un psychologue apprécié puis reconnu. Les années en ont fait un psychologue incontournable. (iv) Il a publié quatre ouvrages au cours de sa carrière et était en pleine rédaction du cinquième quand l’épidémie s’est développée.  (v) Il a rapidement fui Portland pour Sherwood, réalisant que les zones urbaines étaient bien plus dangereuses. Il était déjà présent au coeur de la ville quand les militaires ont pris la fuite. (vi) Il a participé à la naissance du camp, à la fortification de ce dernier et c’est lui qui a eu l’idée de mettre en place un système de quarantaine avec un entretien psychologique, de façon à pouvoir accueillir le plus de monde possible tout en protégeant les habitants déjà présents. (vii) Absolument pas taillé pour un monde post-apocalyptique, Joseph s’est malgré tout parfaitement fait à la situation. Il a appris à vivre dans ce nouveau monde et à l’accepter. (viii) S’il a toujours fait preuve d’une grande force mentale, la mort récente de son épouse l’a énormément affecté si bien qu’il a quelque peu perdu pieds. Il a, pour le moment, beaucoup de mal à se reconstruire bien qu’il ne le montre absolument pas ou alors qu’à très peu de personnes. C’est qu’il refuse de briser l’image de l’homme stable qu’il a toujours montrée à tous. Il l’est stable. Enfin, il l’était, jusqu’à la mort de sa femme. (ix) Accablé par une intense culpabilité de ne pas avoir été là pour protéger sa femme, de ne pas avoir été là dans les derniers moments, de ne pas avoir été celui qui a porté le dernier coup, il a décidé d’apprendre à se battre, d’apprendre à se défendre pour être capable de faire pour ceux auxquels il tient ce qu’il n’a pas su faire pour elle.    
weekly appointment

Réfléchis Joseph, réfléchis. Qu’est-ce tu dois savoir sur eux pour être certain qu’ils ne sont pas une menace ? Idéalement tout mais c’est impossible. Tu as beau être doué, ces gens ne s’ouvriront pas forcément à toi avec aisance. Même si tu les mets en confiance, ils ne te diront pas tout. Pas dès le départ. Il faut que tu ailles à l’essentiel. Comment y aller ? Qu’est-ce que tu dois savoir sur eux ?


Il faut que tu saches qui ils étaient avant l’épidémie. C’est essentiel. Tu sais que toi tu étais un psychologue et tu l’es toujours. Tu as la chance de pouvoir continuer à exercer ce qui a toujours été plus qu’un métier, une passion. Tu es aussi un mari, comme tu l’étais avant l’épidémie. Tu étais auprès de ta femme, tu l’es toujours. Tu dois savoir la même chose d’eux, s’ils avaient de la famille, des gens auxquels ils tenaient.

Il faut que tu saches s’ils ont changé depuis le début de l’épidémie. Tu sais que toi tu n’as pas changé même si l’arrivée de l’épidémie a tout remis en question et a balayé la vie simple et paisible que tu avais réussi à construire avec ta femme, tu n’as pas changé. Tu es resté le même. Tu as besoin de savoir si eux ils ont changé, s’ils se sentent différents et en quoi.

Il faut que tu saches combien de rôdeurs ils ont tué, combien d’humains ils ont tué et surtout pourquoi. Tu dois savoir si c’était facile pour eux, de tuer les rôdeurs, de tuer les humains s’ils ont dû en arriver là. Tu dois savoir ce que ça leur fait. Tu sais que toi tu n’as pas eu à tuer d’être humains. Tu sais que tu n’as tué en tout et pour tout qu’une vingtaine de rôdeurs tout au plus sur le chemin qui a mené à Sherwood. Tu sais que ça ne t’a rien fait parce qu’ils étaient déjà morts.

Il faut que tu saches ce qu’ils attendent d’Astoria. Tu sais que toi tu attends la paix, l’espoir, la vie et non pas la simple survie comme c’est le cas en dehors des murs de la ville. Tu sais qu’Astoria c’est la possibilité d’une vie paisible au milieu du chaos et ça te donne tout l’espoir dont tu as besoin pour continuer.

Il faut que tu saches qui ils ont perdu. Tu sais que toi tu as perdu des amis, une excellente amie même mais tu ne sais pas pour ta famille. Pas pour ceux qui vivent en Ecosse. Tes parents sont morts depuis quelques années maintenant. Au moins, ils n’auront pas à vivre tout ça. Tu sais que toi tu as la chance d’avoir toujours ta femme, ton âme sœur, ta moitié à tes côtés.

Il faut que tu saches quels espoirs il leur reste. Tu sais que toi tu nourris l’espoir de la survie d’une partie de la civilisation, l’espoir d’une réelle reconstruction, d’un renouveau. Tu nourris l’espoir d’une réussite, d’une disparition même un jour de l’épidémie et la reprise d’une vie normale. On pourra tout reconstruire.

On pourra.
Miss B. / Virginie
âge ≡  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  fuseau horaire ≡  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  comment êtes-vous tombé sur le forum ? ≡  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  fréquence de connexion ≡  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  des questions ? des suggestions ? ≡  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  un dernier mot ? ≡  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845  

Dernière édition par Joseph Warhol le Jeu 27 Oct - 22:29, édité 2 fois
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Rose O'Toole
member / settler of astoria
Rose O'Toole
INSCRIPTION : 27/10/2016
FACECLAIM : Ruth Negga | Miss B. (avatar) - Tumblr (gifs) - Code signature (Solosand)
MULTILINKS : Yancy || Mason || Randall || Morgan
POINTS : 251
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Tumblr_o7j63mTVEv1r5rk9to4_r1_400
STATUT CIVIL : Elle a été mariée. Deux fois. Et elle est veuve. Une fois.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : Boxeuse professionnelle : ça cognait et ça cognait bien. Double championne du monde des poids légers, rien que ça. Du coup, ses poings sont à éviter au possible.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : Technicienne en maintenance des clôtures
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : Ses poings mais à notre époque, ça n'est pas assez efficace alors, Rose, elle use de tout ce qu'elle trouve. Faut dire qu'elle n'est pas difficile mais bon, on va pas se mentir : elle affectionne particulièrement les armes à feu. Elle a les boules depuis que les autres cons se sont pointés parce qu'on lui a retiré son Desert Eagle.
ÂGE : Quand les cons de morts se sont relevés, elle venait de fêter ses 32 ans : elle a décidé d'arrêter de compter à ce moment-là donc 32 ans et on cherche pas plus loin.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 21:25

pretty much dead already
/ Sometimes I still wonder why the things happened the way they did /
Les portes s’ouvrent et aussitôt, je tourne mon visage vers ces dernières, sur le qui vive : j’attends qu’on vienne me donner des nouvelles. Le chirurgien qui vient de passer les portes est bien celui qui s’est occupé de ma femme, je le reconnais. Il affiche un air grave qui me donne la nausée mais je me redresse pour aller à sa rencontre : qu’on en finisse. Je m’arrête face à lui, plante mon regard dans le sien. Mon cœur bat vite, j’ai les mains moites. J’ai peur. J’ai terriblement peur.

« Votre femme est hors de danger. »

Le soulagement se répend en moi aussi vite qu’une traînée de poudre. Elle est hors de danger. Elle va s’en sortir.

« Elle a perdu beaucoup de sang. Nous avons dû la transfuser et nous avons été obligés de pratiquer une hystérectomie. »

L’information se fraye un chemin jusqu’à mon cerveau. Au-delà du soulagement je comprends ce qu’il veut dire : pas d’autres enfants. Ce n’est pas grave. Ce n’est pas grave puisque nos avons notre fils. Notre fils…

« Et notre fils ? Comment va-t-il ? »

Il est là près de dix semaines trop tôt. Il va avoir besoin d’être en couveuse pendant un long moment mais ça va aller. N’est-ce pas ?

« Il était en arrêt respiratoire et cardiaque quand nous l’avons sorti. »

J’ai l’impression que tout mon sang se glace dans mes veines. Je me tiens au mur.

« Le chirurgien pédiatrique a réussi à le ranimer mais il était en détresse respiratoire, ils l’ont emmené au bloc. Ils l’opèrent en ce moment. Ils viendront vous donner des nouvelles le plus vite possible.
- D’accord. » je souffle tout bas.

Mon esprit a du mal à bien tout saisir, à bien tout imprégner.

« Et ma femme ? Je peux la voir ? »

C’est la seule chose que je parviens à dire : je veux voir Mercy. Je veux vraiment la voir.

« Elle va être remontée dans sa chambre, je vous y emmène.
- Merci. »

Je reste un moment ensuite assis sur une chaise, la main de Mercy dans la mienne, tandis que j’attends qu’elle se réveille, tandis que j’attends qu’on vienne nous donner des nouvelles de notre fils. Finalement, la fin de l’attente sera bien pire que l’attente elle-même.

Bien, bien pire.


« Elle est où ?
- Elle ne veut pas venir. Elle veut rester avec ses patients.
- Elle est cinglée !
- Non, elle est dévouée à son métier. Tu le sais. Je le sais. On aura essayé.
- Tu crois qu’elle va s’en sortir ?
-Je ne sais pas. J’espère. »

Mais dans le fond, je n’y crois pas trop. La ville est de plus en plus infestée par les rôdeurs et le meilleur moyen pour s’en sortir est de quitter la zone urbaine pour se diriger vers la zone rurale. J’ai proposé à Alicia de partir avec nous, elle a souhaité rester pour s’occuper de ses patients et c’est tout à son honneur mais elle prend un très gros risque. Les cas sont de plus en plus nombreux et le meilleur moyen de s’en sortir est encore de prendre la fuite pour se mettre en sécurité. C’est ce qu’on fait. J’emmène Mercy loin de tout ça. J’ai dans l’idée de nous emmener jusqu’à Sherwood. Je suis persuadé que ce sera plus calme là-bas et qu’on sera davantage en sécurité. Et puis, les militaires parviendront mieux à nous protéger dans une plus petite zone que dans une grande ville.

On va s’en sortir.


On tambourine à la porte, j'invite à entrer.

« Joseph ! Ils reviennent ! »

Je referme le livre dans lequel j'étais plongé et suis la personne qui est venue me chercher. C'est toujours long d'attendre le retour de Mercy mais c'est toujours un soulagement de la revoir, un plaisir infini de la retrouver. Alors, comme à l'accoutumée, je me rends jusqu'à l'entrée d'Astoria, là où le groupe de recruteurs va bientôt faire son entrée. J'esquisse un sourire, impatient et heureux. Nous sommes plusieurs à attendre les nôtres. Les grilles sont enfin ouvertes, on voit le petit groupe entrer. Je tends le cou, cherche Mercy des yeux et il y a ce moment où j'ai la sensation que mon cœur s'arrête, ce moment où mon sourire disparaît pour que mes lèvres se figent dans une expression d'horreur et de douleur, à l'instar de mes yeux, à l'instar de mon visage. Je la vois Mercy, mais elle ne marche pas. Elle est portée. Ils sont deux à la porter. Non... Ils sont deux à porter son corps. Lorsque je m'avance vers le petit groupe, j'ai l'impression de me mouvoir au ralenti et je ne perçois plus rien autour de moi. Je ne vois qu'elle. Lorsque j'arrive à sa hauteur, ils la déposent délicatement au sol. Les grilles se referment mais je ne les entends même pas. Je tombe à genoux, là encore au ralenti. Mes yeux parcourent le corps de ma femme. Sa peau pâle. Son visage abîmé. Le sang. Tellement de sang. Ce sont mes doigts tremblants qui viennent replacer une mèche imbibée de sang derrière son oreille. C'est ma main tremblante qui vient se saisir de sa main. C'est mon corps tremblant qui s'effondre sur son corps. Et c'est mon propre hurlement que j'entends et qui me glace le sang.

Dernière édition par Joseph Warhol le Jeu 27 Oct - 22:24, édité 4 fois
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Phœnix Rosenwald
staff / ruler of astoria
Phœnix Rosenwald
INSCRIPTION : 19/09/2016
IDENTITÉ : djesus getnaked. swann. j'aime le blasphème.
FACECLAIM : aidan gillen. littlefinger le machiavélique. odistole (avatar). anaëlle (signature).
MULTILINKS : philip le gouverneur.
POINTS : 4382
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Giphy
STATUT CIVIL : célibataire. la femme de ta vie morte dans tes bras alors qu'elle portait ta progéniture. tu as perdu goût en l'amour. cependant une belle tignasse rousse hante tes nuits.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : tueur à gage. cependant, si peu peuvent le comprendre, c'était un choix de vie pour irradier la pourriture de ce monde.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : bras-droit du chef du secteur de ravitaillement. si pendant longtemps tu n'avais pas de place au camp à cause de ta haute surveillance, aujourd'hui on te fait confiance et tu prends ton travail très au sérieux.
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : un fusil de précision, que tu as gardé précieusement depuis tes années de service. et un couteau, particulier à ton cœur puisqu'il t'a été offert par un être cher.
ÂGE : quarante-et-un ans. étrangement, tu n'as jamais eu honte de ton âge, toutefois tu n'assumes pas forcément le fait d'être à présent quadragénaire.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 21:31

TOI Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 .

tu sais déjà ce que je pense mais : KJIHUGYFTYGUHID Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1220424070 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273 . EWAN MCGREGOR + CE PV : , JE Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1220424070 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273 .  en plus ta fiche elle Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1220424070 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273 . bref. je suis déjà un grand fan. malheureusement, je ne vois pas un bon lien avec toi Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1325147808 .
donc rebienvenue chez toi I love you , et bonne chance si tu fais une histoire What a Face .
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Rose O'Toole
member / settler of astoria
Rose O'Toole
INSCRIPTION : 27/10/2016
FACECLAIM : Ruth Negga | Miss B. (avatar) - Tumblr (gifs) - Code signature (Solosand)
MULTILINKS : Yancy || Mason || Randall || Morgan
POINTS : 251
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Tumblr_o7j63mTVEv1r5rk9to4_r1_400
STATUT CIVIL : Elle a été mariée. Deux fois. Et elle est veuve. Une fois.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : Boxeuse professionnelle : ça cognait et ça cognait bien. Double championne du monde des poids légers, rien que ça. Du coup, ses poings sont à éviter au possible.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : Technicienne en maintenance des clôtures
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : Ses poings mais à notre époque, ça n'est pas assez efficace alors, Rose, elle use de tout ce qu'elle trouve. Faut dire qu'elle n'est pas difficile mais bon, on va pas se mentir : elle affectionne particulièrement les armes à feu. Elle a les boules depuis que les autres cons se sont pointés parce qu'on lui a retiré son Desert Eagle.
ÂGE : Quand les cons de morts se sont relevés, elle venait de fêter ses 32 ans : elle a décidé d'arrêter de compter à ce moment-là donc 32 ans et on cherche pas plus loin.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 21:37

Si tu savais depuis combien de temps j'ai envie de jouer avec McGregor Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1811884331 Des années ! Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3388488557 Et tout à l'heure, quand je faisais l'avatar, j'étais en mode "bah voilà, ça y est, tu vas ENFIN le jouer !" Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2350221473 Je suis super méga heureuse Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 4040848939 Et je suis dingue de Joseph Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965

En tout cas, j'suis ravie que le début de la fiche te plaise Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212089155 Y'a un petit bout d'histoire qui arrive, effectivement mais ce sera tout p'tit Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 4040848939

Et merci pour ton message Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451
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Ashley Villalobos
staff / ruler of astoria
Ashley Villalobos
INSCRIPTION : 23/09/2016
IDENTITÉ : sandrider :: marie
FACECLAIM : james mcavoy :: sandrider (ava, sig, colos) + tumblr (gif)
MULTILINKS : hailey lyndon :: rory wyatt :: swan jacobs
POINTS : 5094
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph ODuizse
STATUT CIVIL : récemment veuf, une certaine démone rousse ayant mis fin à la vie de sa femme d’une balle en plein crâne, « pour l’exemple » :: ça lui apprendra à descendre un gars d’Echo sans demander la permission, à coucher avec une traîtresse, et à ne pas avoir les couilles de déclarer sa flamme à son premier véritable amour avant qu’il ne soit trop tard
ANCIEN MÉTIER : patron d'un club de strip-tease à las vegas qui servait aussi de couverture pour blanchir l'argent de la branche locale d'un cartel de drogue dont il était responsable :: ce qu'il a traduit à son arrivée à astoria par « businessman dans l'import/export de pharmaceutiques, et gérant philanthrope d'un centre d’accueil et réhabilitation pour les femmes de petite vertu »
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : officiellement distributeur de rations, rétrogradé par la démone rousse histoire d’enfoncer le clou :: officieusement leader de la résistance interne :: let’s fuck those bitches up
HABITATION : sunset square, 36 w/ xiomara villalobos, sa mère, qui habitait déjà sous ce toit avant l'épidémie
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : ses poings, à défaut de pouvoir porter une arme sur lui au sein du camp, mais il doit bien s'avouer que la sensation d'avoir une arme à feu entre les mains lui procure un plaisir immodéré
ÂGE : 37 ans

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 21:51

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2557558845
J'ai tellement ris en voyant le dernier encadré Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328

Choix de PV + avatar + traitement du perso DE OUF !!! JPP tu m'as tuée Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273
J'ai trop hâte de voir ton bout d'histoire et ce que tu vas en faire en RP, je suis déjà fan Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157
Sur ce, REBIENVENUE À LA MAISON Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788
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Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:09

Rebienvenue à toiii Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 4042738192 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635
Ce perso a l'air vachement intéressant Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913
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Rose O'Toole
member / settler of astoria
Rose O'Toole
INSCRIPTION : 27/10/2016
FACECLAIM : Ruth Negga | Miss B. (avatar) - Tumblr (gifs) - Code signature (Solosand)
MULTILINKS : Yancy || Mason || Randall || Morgan
POINTS : 251
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Tumblr_o7j63mTVEv1r5rk9to4_r1_400
STATUT CIVIL : Elle a été mariée. Deux fois. Et elle est veuve. Une fois.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : Boxeuse professionnelle : ça cognait et ça cognait bien. Double championne du monde des poids légers, rien que ça. Du coup, ses poings sont à éviter au possible.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : Technicienne en maintenance des clôtures
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : Ses poings mais à notre époque, ça n'est pas assez efficace alors, Rose, elle use de tout ce qu'elle trouve. Faut dire qu'elle n'est pas difficile mais bon, on va pas se mentir : elle affectionne particulièrement les armes à feu. Elle a les boules depuis que les autres cons se sont pointés parce qu'on lui a retiré son Desert Eagle.
ÂGE : Quand les cons de morts se sont relevés, elle venait de fêter ses 32 ans : elle a décidé d'arrêter de compter à ce moment-là donc 32 ans et on cherche pas plus loin.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:28

MON CROCODILIIIIIIIIIIIIS Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451
J'ai pas pu m'empêcher les smileys, ravie que ça t'ait fait rire Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 4040848939
J'suis TROP heureuse que ça te plaise !!! Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574 Tu sais à quel point tes compliments me touchent Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430
Merciiiii Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384
Et petit bout d'histoire posté Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034

Merci Daniela Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302
J'pense que je vais me régaler avec Joseph vui Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034
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Ashley Villalobos
staff / ruler of astoria
Ashley Villalobos
INSCRIPTION : 23/09/2016
IDENTITÉ : sandrider :: marie
FACECLAIM : james mcavoy :: sandrider (ava, sig, colos) + tumblr (gif)
MULTILINKS : hailey lyndon :: rory wyatt :: swan jacobs
POINTS : 5094
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph ODuizse
STATUT CIVIL : récemment veuf, une certaine démone rousse ayant mis fin à la vie de sa femme d’une balle en plein crâne, « pour l’exemple » :: ça lui apprendra à descendre un gars d’Echo sans demander la permission, à coucher avec une traîtresse, et à ne pas avoir les couilles de déclarer sa flamme à son premier véritable amour avant qu’il ne soit trop tard
ANCIEN MÉTIER : patron d'un club de strip-tease à las vegas qui servait aussi de couverture pour blanchir l'argent de la branche locale d'un cartel de drogue dont il était responsable :: ce qu'il a traduit à son arrivée à astoria par « businessman dans l'import/export de pharmaceutiques, et gérant philanthrope d'un centre d’accueil et réhabilitation pour les femmes de petite vertu »
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : officiellement distributeur de rations, rétrogradé par la démone rousse histoire d’enfoncer le clou :: officieusement leader de la résistance interne :: let’s fuck those bitches up
HABITATION : sunset square, 36 w/ xiomara villalobos, sa mère, qui habitait déjà sous ce toit avant l'épidémie
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : ses poings, à défaut de pouvoir porter une arme sur lui au sein du camp, mais il doit bien s'avouer que la sensation d'avoir une arme à feu entre les mains lui procure un plaisir immodéré
ÂGE : 37 ans

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:31

J'te déteste Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2272504867
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
https://nottomorrowyet.forumactif.org/t251-hijo-de-la-chingada-ash https://nottomorrowyet.forumactif.org/t308-mi-vida-loca-ash
Rose O'Toole
member / settler of astoria
Rose O'Toole
INSCRIPTION : 27/10/2016
FACECLAIM : Ruth Negga | Miss B. (avatar) - Tumblr (gifs) - Code signature (Solosand)
MULTILINKS : Yancy || Mason || Randall || Morgan
POINTS : 251
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Tumblr_o7j63mTVEv1r5rk9to4_r1_400
STATUT CIVIL : Elle a été mariée. Deux fois. Et elle est veuve. Une fois.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : Boxeuse professionnelle : ça cognait et ça cognait bien. Double championne du monde des poids légers, rien que ça. Du coup, ses poings sont à éviter au possible.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : Technicienne en maintenance des clôtures
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : Ses poings mais à notre époque, ça n'est pas assez efficace alors, Rose, elle use de tout ce qu'elle trouve. Faut dire qu'elle n'est pas difficile mais bon, on va pas se mentir : elle affectionne particulièrement les armes à feu. Elle a les boules depuis que les autres cons se sont pointés parce qu'on lui a retiré son Desert Eagle.
ÂGE : Quand les cons de morts se sont relevés, elle venait de fêter ses 32 ans : elle a décidé d'arrêter de compter à ce moment-là donc 32 ans et on cherche pas plus loin.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:33

D'abord c'est pas moi qui ait décidé de tuer sa femme pour une fois Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1445003170 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1445003170 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1445003170 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1445003170 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1445003170 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1445003170
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Ashley Villalobos
staff / ruler of astoria
Ashley Villalobos
INSCRIPTION : 23/09/2016
IDENTITÉ : sandrider :: marie
FACECLAIM : james mcavoy :: sandrider (ava, sig, colos) + tumblr (gif)
MULTILINKS : hailey lyndon :: rory wyatt :: swan jacobs
POINTS : 5094
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph ODuizse
STATUT CIVIL : récemment veuf, une certaine démone rousse ayant mis fin à la vie de sa femme d’une balle en plein crâne, « pour l’exemple » :: ça lui apprendra à descendre un gars d’Echo sans demander la permission, à coucher avec une traîtresse, et à ne pas avoir les couilles de déclarer sa flamme à son premier véritable amour avant qu’il ne soit trop tard
ANCIEN MÉTIER : patron d'un club de strip-tease à las vegas qui servait aussi de couverture pour blanchir l'argent de la branche locale d'un cartel de drogue dont il était responsable :: ce qu'il a traduit à son arrivée à astoria par « businessman dans l'import/export de pharmaceutiques, et gérant philanthrope d'un centre d’accueil et réhabilitation pour les femmes de petite vertu »
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : officiellement distributeur de rations, rétrogradé par la démone rousse histoire d’enfoncer le clou :: officieusement leader de la résistance interne :: let’s fuck those bitches up
HABITATION : sunset square, 36 w/ xiomara villalobos, sa mère, qui habitait déjà sous ce toit avant l'épidémie
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : ses poings, à défaut de pouvoir porter une arme sur lui au sein du camp, mais il doit bien s'avouer que la sensation d'avoir une arme à feu entre les mains lui procure un plaisir immodéré
ÂGE : 37 ans

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:36

"Pour une fois" Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
https://nottomorrowyet.forumactif.org/t251-hijo-de-la-chingada-ash https://nottomorrowyet.forumactif.org/t308-mi-vida-loca-ash
Rose O'Toole
member / settler of astoria
Rose O'Toole
INSCRIPTION : 27/10/2016
FACECLAIM : Ruth Negga | Miss B. (avatar) - Tumblr (gifs) - Code signature (Solosand)
MULTILINKS : Yancy || Mason || Randall || Morgan
POINTS : 251
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Tumblr_o7j63mTVEv1r5rk9to4_r1_400
STATUT CIVIL : Elle a été mariée. Deux fois. Et elle est veuve. Une fois.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : Boxeuse professionnelle : ça cognait et ça cognait bien. Double championne du monde des poids légers, rien que ça. Du coup, ses poings sont à éviter au possible.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : Technicienne en maintenance des clôtures
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : Ses poings mais à notre époque, ça n'est pas assez efficace alors, Rose, elle use de tout ce qu'elle trouve. Faut dire qu'elle n'est pas difficile mais bon, on va pas se mentir : elle affectionne particulièrement les armes à feu. Elle a les boules depuis que les autres cons se sont pointés parce qu'on lui a retiré son Desert Eagle.
ÂGE : Quand les cons de morts se sont relevés, elle venait de fêter ses 32 ans : elle a décidé d'arrêter de compter à ce moment-là donc 32 ans et on cherche pas plus loin.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:40

Bah vui, j'ai pas écrit le PV d'abord Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516 JE SUIS INNOCENTE Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384
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Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:47

Moon dieu, ce personnage Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273
Il déchire Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157 Et Ewan Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157
Re-bienvenue I love you
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Ashley Villalobos
staff / ruler of astoria
Ashley Villalobos
INSCRIPTION : 23/09/2016
IDENTITÉ : sandrider :: marie
FACECLAIM : james mcavoy :: sandrider (ava, sig, colos) + tumblr (gif)
MULTILINKS : hailey lyndon :: rory wyatt :: swan jacobs
POINTS : 5094
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph ODuizse
STATUT CIVIL : récemment veuf, une certaine démone rousse ayant mis fin à la vie de sa femme d’une balle en plein crâne, « pour l’exemple » :: ça lui apprendra à descendre un gars d’Echo sans demander la permission, à coucher avec une traîtresse, et à ne pas avoir les couilles de déclarer sa flamme à son premier véritable amour avant qu’il ne soit trop tard
ANCIEN MÉTIER : patron d'un club de strip-tease à las vegas qui servait aussi de couverture pour blanchir l'argent de la branche locale d'un cartel de drogue dont il était responsable :: ce qu'il a traduit à son arrivée à astoria par « businessman dans l'import/export de pharmaceutiques, et gérant philanthrope d'un centre d’accueil et réhabilitation pour les femmes de petite vertu »
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : officiellement distributeur de rations, rétrogradé par la démone rousse histoire d’enfoncer le clou :: officieusement leader de la résistance interne :: let’s fuck those bitches up
HABITATION : sunset square, 36 w/ xiomara villalobos, sa mère, qui habitait déjà sous ce toit avant l'épidémie
ARME DE PRÉDILECTION : ses poings, à défaut de pouvoir porter une arme sur lui au sein du camp, mais il doit bien s'avouer que la sensation d'avoir une arme à feu entre les mains lui procure un plaisir immodéré
ÂGE : 37 ans

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyJeu 27 Oct - 22:51

Innocente d'avoir choisi ces passages à foutre dans ta fiche ? Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3904664468 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3904664468 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3904664468 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3904664468 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273

'Tain et j'ai buggé en voyant le nom de la femme, j'ai eu un moment "koi" genre j'ai raté un chapitre ou bien ? Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2056294328
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Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyVen 28 Oct - 1:21

Rohlalalala trop bien ce PV Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401 Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401

Il nous faudra un lien Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601
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James Oswald
staff / ruler of astoria
James Oswald
INSCRIPTION : 27/08/2016
IDENTITÉ : perséides, mary.
FACECLAIM : sophie turner, killer from a gang (pour l'avatar), astra (pour la signature)
MULTILINKS : jorah. jeff. jeremiah.
POINTS : 4913
Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Tumblr_onbe7v8KED1v101dyo2_400
STATUT CIVIL : éternelle célibataire, elle était pourtant prête à enfin ouvrir son cœur, avant d’être séparée de celui qu’elle aime. brisée après cette perte, elle a terriblement besoin qu'on l'aide à recoller les morceaux.
ANCIEN MÉTIER : elle étudiait en médecine avant que tout cela commence. elle était aussi serveuse, car sa bourse ne lui permettait pas de payer tous les frais d’enseignement ou encore le coût de la vie.
PLACE DANS LE CAMP : après une semaine dans sa cellule en quarantaine, on lui offre déjà la tâche de veiller sur les autres. ses nombreuses connaissances liées à la médecine lui auront permis de s'assurer un place en temps qu'infirmière. poste bien ingrat, si on l'écoute parler.
ÂGE : elle est jeune, sûrement trop jeune pour tout ça. vingt ans. seulement vingt délicates pétales de fleurs. pourtant cet âge n’est en aucun cas représentatif, vu les horreurs qu’elle a vues et a vécues.

Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph EmptyVen 28 Oct - 1:56

comme promis, j'viens te faire un accueil digne de ce nom Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157
MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157
TÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  
MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157
PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECT Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157

I love you  I love you  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824 I love you  I love you  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824 I love you  I love you  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824 I love you  I love you  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. 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Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824 I love you  I love you  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 909028702  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 492345765  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 630891913  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 459229441  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 601189480  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3480418821  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 870026516  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2364300635  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2463586789  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2275288384  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1991088473  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 563204646  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 158420215  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 595811157  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3767940883  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1873710903  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 636420871  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3108447679  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 88395795  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 141149601  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3520512984  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1212379965  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2439174401  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 34701464  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2976260922  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3660923273  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 90897430  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1251113003  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1577312087  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3960315829  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 871851929  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1202336140  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3900987368  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2420919034  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2311721126  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3942918302  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2735440787  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2132150574  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3053356451  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1485420778  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 684385474  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 3469621788  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 973561582  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 802189002  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 2937990824  

EN SOIT JE T'AIME. J'TE RESPECTE À MORT. TU BRISES MON COEUR AVEC CETTE HISTOIRE SIIIIIIII TRISTE, MAIS T'ES TROP PARFAIT DONC T'ES GENRE CENT POUR CENT PARDONNÉ DE FAIRE MAL À MON PETIT COEUR. D'AILLEURS. J'TE L'OFFRE SUR SUR UN PLATEAU D'ARGENT. ET MON CORPS AUSSI. (enfin, peut-être plus celui de jules, comme c'est le seul qui est pas réservé Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 4280613140 quoi que c'est négociable Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 4280613140 j'peux t'offrir celui que tu veux Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 4280613140 ) MAIS VOILÀ. TU ME COMBLES DE BONHEUR, JE SUIS BEAUCOUP TROP HEUREUSE, TU FAIS MA JOURNÉE, MA SEMAINE, MON MOIS, MON ANNÉE, MA DÉCENNIE, MON QUART DE SIÈCLE ET MÊME MON SIÈCLE TOUT ENTIER. OUAIS, RÉSUMONS LA CHOSE À TROIS PETITS MOTS TOUT SIMPLISTE : JE T'AIME. ET T'AS CHOISI LE BEST PV EVER ET LA BEST TRONCHE EVER AUSSI. VOILÀ VOILÀ.  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161  Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph 1653920161
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Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph   Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph Empty

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Everything is going to be alright. Maybe not today, but eventually. || Joseph
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